
History of Sri Durgaparameshwari Temple, Mandarthi

The Mandarthi Durgaparameshwari Temple, situated approximately 85 kilometers away from Mangalore and 25 kilometers north of Udupi, holds a special place in the hearts of devotees. Its name, derived from the Kannada words ‘Manda-Aarathi,’ signifies the presence of holy light. The tranquil and serene surroundings of this temple draw visitors seeking blessings and positive energies.

Devotees from various parts of the state come to the Mandarthi Durgaparameshwari Temple to offer Yakshagana Harake seva as an expression of gratitude. Harake Seva involves a performance arranged by a devotee who vowed to stage a Yakshagana show if their wish was granted. The temple provides prasadam lunch at 1 pm and dinner at 8 pm to all its devotees.

On regular days, the temple is open from 5:30 am to 9:30 pm, but during Kumba Sankramana Days, it remains open 24 hours a day. The temple hosts grand festivals such as Navarathri Ustava (Dasara), the Nine-Day Sri Devi Alankara, the annual Festival of the Temple in February, and Kumba Masa Kumba Sankramana – Night Kenda Seva, Hallittu Seva, Ranga Pooja, and Dakke Bali.

The Mythological Tale of Mandarthi Durgaparameshwari Temple:

In ancient times, King Shankachooda ruled Nagaloka, and he had five daughters named Devarathi, Nagarathi, Charurathi, Mandarathi, and Neelarathi. These princesses aspired to marry Lord Subramanya Swamy, the son of Lord Shiva, and went to Kailasa. However, Nandi, Lord Shiva’s devotee, intercepted them on their way and cursed them to become snakes. Instantly, they transformed into snakes and descended to Earth.

While wandering in the Sahyadri Ghats, Vyaghrapada Maharishi encountered these five snakes trapped in a forest fire. Through divine vision, he learned their story and assured the princesses (now snakes) that a king would eventually lift their curse.

Meanwhile, King Devavarma of Avanthi, who had been banished from his kingdom, disguised himself and roamed the Sahyadri Mountains. He came across the five snakes and decided to rescue them. He wrapped them in a piece of cloth and began traveling westward. However, the snakes escaped from the cloth and reached a nearby termite hill. One of the snakes, named “Mandarathi,” reached a part of the forest that would later be known as “Mandarthi.”

In a dream, the Nagakanyas (snake princesses) appeared to King Devavarma and informed him that Jalajakshi, the only princess of King Rajaditya, was in danger. Devavarma promptly saved Jalajakshi and earned King Rajaditya’s gratitude, who then gave his daughter’s hand in marriage to Devavarma. Devavarma also became the King of Hemadri.

Later, a demon named Mahisha lusted after Queen Jalajakshi and sought to marry her. When the queen resisted, Mahisha tried to forcefully possess her but failed. In her distress, Queen Jalajakshi informed her husband, Devavarma, and the couple sought refuge in the hermitage of Sudevamuni. Mahisha, angered by the Muni’s sheltering of the royal couple, sent a demon named “Mahodara” to attack their hermitage.

Sage Sudevamuni possessed great Tapaswi powers and prayed to Mother Durga for protection. A massive termite hill suddenly appeared before Mahodara, swallowing all his weapons. When Mahisha himself attempted to confront the Muni, the royal couple prayed fervently to Mother Durga for help. She appeared in all her glory and commanded her divine spirits (Buthaganas) Veerabhadra, Haiguli, Kallukuttiga, and Bobbarya to defeat the demons. Mahisha eventually surrendered to the Divine Mother and asked for a boon that devotees performing “Kenda Seva” should be generously rewarded. He offered his soul to the Divine Mother.

Sage Sudevamuni and the royal couple prayed to Goddess Durga with unwavering devotion, and Mother Durga blessed them, promising to manifest her power as Vana Durga in Mandarthi.

Later, guided by a dream from Lord Subramanya Swamy, Devavarma found the idol of Durga in Varahi River and consecrated it with utmost devotion. The Barkur dynasty worshipped Vana Durge, and all their festivals and functions began with a puja at the Mandarthi Vana Durge. The idol of Vana Durge originally had both hands pointing downwards, in contrast to the current idol where the right hand points upwards.

Historical records reveal that more than 1500 years ago, due to the fierce nature of Vana Durge, successive generations of archaka families faced destruction as punishment for even minor mistakes in the temple precincts. This pattern continued through generations. When no archaka family members remained, the King of Barkur brought a Tulu Brahmin family from Alevoor in Udupi District to manage the temple activities. These families still reside in the temple’s vicinity.

In the 17th and 18th centuries, all the children in the archaka families would perish, leaving only one child to perform the temple’s daily duties. In the 18th century, a solution was found when a group of archakas decided to transform Vana Durge into Durgaparameshwari. During this process, a new idol was installed, with one hand pointing upwards in the Varada hasta pose. The old idol, with both hands pointing downwards, used to be located at the Tulsi katte in front of Veerabhadra until it was removed by the temple trust during renovations.

The Mandarthi Durgaparameshwari Temple has undergone three renovations to date, with the most recent one occurring in 1956. The date of this renovation is still visible on the temple’s pillars today.
